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Showing posts from August, 2017

Merdeka QnA

Assalamualaikum.. Happy National Day everybody!!!! Omg im so excited!!! Maybe sebab baru lepas tengok closing ceremony untuk SEA games kut. Okay i have to admit it, SEA games is a really fantastic event!!!! Thumbs up 👍 Jadi sempena kemerdekaan ni, aku ada beberapa soalan yg aku rasa relevan untuk ditanya sempena kemerdekaan ni. Kalau korang ada opinion, boleh la comment (lol sis no one read your blog urghh). aku start dulu. 1. APA MAKNA MERDEKA BAGI ANDA? Bagi aku, merdeka bermakna bebas. Bebas macam mana? Bebas dari semua aspek seperti aspek minda, jati diri dan sebagainya. Aku rasa semua org setuju merdeka adalah bebas. Bagi aku, perkara pertama yg kita kena bebas adalah minda. Sebab apa? Sebab segala kelakuan kita, bermula dengan minda. Kalau minda kita dijajah dengan perkara perkara negatif, caci maki keyboard warrior, maka bermulalah segala rusuhan dan sebagainya. C'mon guys its 2017, no more gaduh pls. 2. BANGUNAN YANG PALING ANDA SUKA DAN SEBAB Velodrom Nasional ...

Kak Cici's Random Thought - Death

Assalamualaikum... 7.00 pm "Iqah tau tak isteri cik nora tu meninggal." " Oh Cik Idah eh? Innalillah." Ni dialog pertama lepas aku tau my former makcik kantin waktu sekolah rendah dulu meninggal. Btw, this conversation happened between me and my boss. (We used to live in the same Taman thats why he knows) Then at home "Sian kat Ecah. Waktu aku datang dia nyorok kat belakang kereta. Pastu aku turun je kereta dia terus datang peluk pastu cakap "CIKGUUUU" sambil nangis. Kakak aku cerita. Aku perasan dia baru lepas nangis. Aku tengah makan waktu tu acah cool. Tapi dalam hati, Tuhan je yg tau betapa aku kesiankan budak kecil berusia 8 tahun tu. Aku just takboleh bayang, at the age of 8 years old, dia hilang mak dia. Forever. (But I do pray that they'll reunite in Jannah.) 😭 And waktu tu, aku fikir tentang aku. Yep, Im turning 19  and to just imagine myself without my parents and siblings, it tears me out. SO HOW DO YOU EXPECT AN EI...

Why Regretting?

Assalamualaikum.. Okay so the degree result's finally out! And yep, im not able to pursue MBBS (Bachelor of Medical and Surgery). But i got ICHEM Tech (Industrial Chemical Technology) instead. The disappointment is surreal. I did cry but now everything is under control. (Who doesn't sad duh?) Yaaa, it was the most horrible time for me but then I realized, how long I want to whine for something that Allah didn't destined for me? And I decided to stand up again. 💪 Hey, cheer up la because Allah has planned something better in the future. So now I'm back to be a happy kid. *insert kid with kite emoji* Though im torn inside out, (cewah) but then I realize that I've got sooooo many benefits by pursuing this course. 1. I dont have to take MUET back in order to graduate. Because MUET lasts for 5 years and I'll be graduated in 4 years time!! Yooohooo (medical students will have to take it back because they'll grad in 6 years time. Gg medical student ✊✊)...