Hi Assalamualaikum...... Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all muslims 😊😊😊 I takde raya haji dah because I got endless assignments to be done ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ #onlineclassproblem So today I got my geraham tooth taken out! For those yang tak tahu, sini I tunjuk gambar the geraham tooth yg I kena cabut tadi. Mine was the second molar. I start rasa sakit around 3 weeks ago tau. Sebelum ni ada je tapi ngilu time makan je time lain dia tak kacau. Tapi this time, dia kacau my sleep. Luckily, I have friend yg study dental subjects so I asked Sarah pasal my pain. Hahahaha I cerita macam dia ada kat depan I tau pity her 😂 tapi okaylah I love it sebab macam dapat personal advice before I jumpa the real dentist besoknya. (P/s: Sarah pun bakal dentist ya semua) Mula mula I ingat gigi geraham bawah tu yg sakit tau because my wisdom tooth dia tumbuh baring (I found out from the dentist), so the growth process tu impact my geraham tooth. Pastu esoknya I pelik cam asal sakit sangat kan t...
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