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Spreading positivity 🥰


Hai harini I taknak rant on my sadness or anything. 

Since pkp ni, I know many of us are affected. Me too, not able to go to class, meet friends, financial is unstable but got loads of things to pay and etc. 

But to look at the bright side, pkp has taught me soooo much things that I once took for granted. 

I get to spend almost the whole year at home. Get to wake up and see my family everyday is the best thing ever happened to me. I feel content. I love my siblings so much that I feel there's no need for somebody else. I am happy as long as my family is happy. We're not rich in money. But alhamdulillah we're rich in love. And that's something I wouldn't trade with anything in the world.  There's not a day I regret of spending time at home. Alhamdulillah, Allah gives me a good family for me to spend with. And I am so sorry to those who stayed with their family but didn't feel like home. I hope Allah gives you something great in return. Aamiin 🤲 

Though, I whined a lot over the online classes. Hahahahahaha I mean, who doesn't? 💅 and its getting worse when I had to do all the assignments alone at home in the middle of struggling with the inner me. It exhausts me. I wanted to tell the world, but I refrain myself. I dont want people to notice my mental breakdown so I keep spreading positivity. I helped my friends with their assignments and they helped mine. I realized I'd get upset over the lack of attention. I hate it. Until at one point of my life, I do realize, you do not need people's recognition for being good. You just need His recognition. And the rest will come after you. 

Alhamdulillah He showed me the way. I do believe, it costs you RM0  to spread good deeds, to give out positivity, to bring happiness to others. 😊 All you need is the kind words and a platform to spread it. 

I thank God for sending me cooperative members. My group assignments wouldn't be done without their continuous support. I love my FYP  teammates. They really care and always be there whenever I  have problems. I really appreciate that. I love my circle for now. I am so glad that I have such supportive members. They are all there whenever I need it. It is just me who never reach out to them whenever I struggle with my inner self. Huhu. And I thank God for protecting me from toxic relationships. I do not know what have I done to deserve all these goodness but I do know that Allah loves His slaves more than we love ourselves. So I am so grateful for the love He showered for me even though I am lacking at every part. 

I love how my life is leading right now. So to whoever reading this. You have the right to be happy too! Keep spreading positivity because believe me, one day you will realize it is all worth it. Fix your intention, and let the rest chase after you. Im no influencer, but I hope this short appreciation entry of mine would influence your life and eventually leading you a happy life. 

Nothing is lasts forever, so cherish the moments you have, because you do not know when will it end. 

Till then, my dm and comment section is open to anyone who needs motivation and love. I'll listen to you. I may not be able to fix you, but I will be there to listen to your stories and struggles. 😊

Oh btw this is me waiting for this semester to end because I cannot take it anymoreeee. 🤧🤧🤧


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