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Showing posts from August, 2020

My Merdeka Story: Dulu vs Kini

Assalamualaikum.... Hi peeps.  Tanggal 31  Bulan 8  Lima puluh tujuh Merdeka Merdeka  Tetaplah Merdeka  Ia pasti Menjadi sejarah  -Tanggal 31 Ogos (Allahyarham Sudirman)  Wah kemain ya start dengan lagu. 😏  Walaupun lagi beberapa minit nak masuk bulan September dah tapi I tetap nak tulis jugak an entry. Moga sempatlah post before 1 Sept. ((Btw its Jungkook BTS' birthday hehe))  Okay so Independence. Merdeka. Hari kebebasan.  You name it!  Tapi merdeka ke kita? ((Amboi ayat typical tazkirah))  Takdelah I bukan nak bagi tazkirah pun. Chill je okay. Relax je. 😎  I dah 22 tahun hidup. (Walaupun realitinya tak sampai lagi 22 tahun) And serius, banyak bezanya sambutan kemerdekaan waktu I kecik setinggi meja sekolah, sampailah sekarang dah setinggi pagar. ((Ecece analogi ketinggian tu macam nak maki pulak rasa))  I still remember, waktu kecik kecik dulu I used to pasang bendera around the school. Hias kelas macam nak sambu...

Degree pt 6 -New Normal

 Assalamualaikum... Hi peeps. 🤗🤗🤗 Sejak sejak MCO ni makin rajin pulak nak buat entry. 😁  First of all, I hope everybody would stay healthy and stay safe. Pakai face mask and hand sanitizer. Ikut SOP. We wanna make the digit stays 0 all the time oki. 😚 #bukaniklanberbayar Jadi seperti tradisi sebelum sebelum ni, setiap enam bulan mesti akan ada satu entry yg summarizekan my current semester. (Wah macam perjalanan kehidupan pulek. 😑)   Kenapa enam bulan?  Sebab satu semester lebih kurang enam bulan campur examinations. So kita round off jela jadi enam bulan oki. 👌😚  Tapi semester ni yg terpaling panjang lah sebab 3 bulan cuti hehe. Tak pernah dibuat orang start semester february habis august. Ni kalau habis hujung sikit ni boleh sambut sekali dengan hari kemerdekaan. Nak kata bebasnya tu kan. #janganingattimepkptakdeclassya  Okay so untuk semester ni, I would say this is the new normal semester lah. Kitorang just sempat beberapa minggu je (4 weeks if...

8 Sebab Kenapa Kena Tengok #itsokaynottobeokay

 Assalamualaikum.... Hi peeps. I baru habis tengok #ItsOkayNotToBeOkay!!!! *jerit*  Lately I jarang tau tengok kdrama sebab panjang so I lagi suka tengok Chinese drama ngee 😁😁  Tapikan I wouldn't deny yg online class really got me headache 💆‍♀️💆‍♀️💆‍♀️ Disebabkan I emotional dengan online class so I crave teruk nak tengok this drama. Sebab tajuk dia kut kena sangat dengan my situation at that time. And yeah, I tak tunggu lama. Habis je week 14 I terus download and tengok hari hari. 😁😁  So today I nak  share 8 sebab kenapa drama #ItsOkayNotToBeOkay ni kena masuk dalam must-watch list korang!  Sebelum tu let me give a brief synopsis of  the story first.  Make way for the hero and heroin pleaseeeee Cerita ni actually berkisar tentang dua orang adik beradik, Moon Gang Tae and Moon Sang Tae yg mana hidup dorang ni sentiasa nomad (berpindah randah). Sang Tae ni autistic child and dia suffers a traumatic experience berkaitan mak dia. Gang Tae is a...


Assalamualaikum....  Hi peeps, I know I've been writing too much lately. 😅 Hope y'all don't mind because  1) I am bored as hell. I've loads of assignments tapi I takde mood nak buat. Heeee so this is the escape place. ✌ 2) I have so much thoughts lately and I wanna let it out here. So I basically written my online diary teehee 😁  So for today's thought, it would be about love. It has been bothering me since yesterday.  I have never been in a real relationship. Well, if the puppy love counted then that is my first and last relationship. So I've been single for quite some times. Dari sekolah menengah sampai I umur 22 y/o.  Sepanjang waktu tu, I quite anticipate when is my time? Sebab most of my friends, have been in a real relationship at least once. Until one time, I rasa end of last year kut. I really don't care kalau I single. I mean, I'm freaking don't care. I love staying alone. And that makes me the best listener for my friends' love storie...