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Hong Leong Bank Foundation Scholarship Interview


Holla  peeps.

Aku pergi interview utk Hong Leong Bank Foundation Scholarship 13 July lepas. And aku macam terkejut jugaklah since RAMAI GILA lagi yg tak tahu pasal scholarship ni. (Okay act aku pun baru tahu jugak lol)

Cemana boleh tahu?
Sebab after SPM aku selalu lah godek godek pasal biasiswa ni since aku ni bukanlah anak org berada yg ada stable financial to support my study. So aku tekad nak dapat biasiswa (mohon tiru everyone). Huhu

So aku register email aku untuk dapatkan info pasal biasiswa and suddenly i bumped into this biasiswaaaaaa. ( kena panjang sikit sebab excited). To SPM/STPM leaver, aku nasihatkan korang please lah jgn kedekut email nak register untuk benda benda camni. Plis.

So aku apply. Then, in June i've got an email from Mr. Syafiq telling that I AM SHORTLISTED FOR THE INTERVIEWWW. okay nak dapat interview tu susah kay jadi mohon faham lah jika saya excited.

So hari interview tu kena pergi wisma dia. Take note everybody

"Jangan pergi HLA punya building!!"
Pergi wisma dia. Kalau tak jumpa, cari Wisma Bank Rakyat. Wisma HLB  is just next to that building.

So bila sampai tu dia akan bagi attendance so kena sign macam biasalah kan. Then dia
 kasi satu kertas macam kertas kajang exam. In 30 minutes (act not 30 minutes, lebih kut sampai weolls  kena panggil baru kutip) weolls kena buat karangan berdasarkan tajuk

"How businesses and corporates play a role in inclusive and sustainable development."

Okay seriously aku lost. Tapi boleh guna phone so google jelah en. Amik point and buat sendiri.

Then about 45 minutes centu, dia panggil untuk iv. So we have to leave our photocopies of documents in a box and hand them the essay. Tempat tunggu kat ground floor, tempat iv dekat tingkat 10. 😱
So dalam lif tu ada akak yg  bawak and dia gitau room dgn nama interviewer. I got 2 interviewers : 1 chinese and 1 Malay. Dua dua dah berumur no such thing as interviewer muda lol. And both are men.

So the interview session went smoothly. 👌Alhamdulillah.
The questions they asked were

1. Introduce self (lol this is a must kut)
2. Why do you want this scholarship?
3. Why medicine? (Since my first choice is medicine.)
4. Tell us more about ur parents and siblings.
5. Do you apply for another scholarships?
6. Why don't you apply for ptptn? (Because I tell 'em i will not take ptptn lol)
7. What will you do to support ur study if u don't get this scholarship.
8. Tell us about ur activities in school. (Pls dont lie bcs they have our application form)
9. Describe ur essay. ( okay i really shock on this one bcs my essay was so karut bcs i dont really get what the question wants and also im so afraid of that finish-essay-in-30-minutes-time urgh 😩) And yep I was just babbling. (Thanks god I re-read my essay)

Okay tu je kut I think. oh forgot to tell u guys this one.
This scholarship opens every year right after SPM/STPM result. And out of berapa interviewees i dont know, usually they'll choose 60-80 applicants per year.


So wish me luck everybody.
Taken outside the wisma thats why lah b/ground tak lawa. Trust me, the building is very 👌

Update: I didnt get the scholarship but still if you wanna ask something I can help you with it. Hit the 'bird' icon up there for faster response.  (Sorry I rarely look at the comment section)


  1. Hi. sorry but if im not mistaken this scholarship is not from hong leong bank but from hong leong foundation kan?

  2. Yes yes. Omg I terlepas pandang bcs basically this scholarship came from that bank. Thanks for correcting me :)

  3. Hi there! So did you manage to receive the scholarship?

  4. Thank you so much for your advices, this is good for me to get ready for the interview, wish me luck, sis..... .

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Do u need to passed up the essay after writing during interview?

    3. Goodluck lil bro 🙌🙌🙌 (( okay maybe im a bit late))

  5. Hey, thank you so much for the useful insights! I'm attending the interview this year and this blog helped a lot. I hope you will have a good future ahead of you!

    1. Hi, how was your interview? When the interview result will be out?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. My pleasure Syafiq. So how was it?

  6. Hi, did anyone of you apply for OCBC scholarship?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi admin, I want to ask some few questions, please help me.

    1) Regarding the co-curricular and leadership qualities that they are looking for, I have only an average of the co-curricular and leadership performance. How was yours? Did you possess good qualifications and achievements?

    2) Do they seriously look upon into these co-curricular and leadership qualities?

    3) Did you bring supporting documents of the co-curricular and leadership qualities? What kind of documents need to bring?

    4) Would you share me some tips to construct the essay on "Why I want this scholarship"?
    (If it was asked during your time)

    Please do share with me any tips to get this scholarship, from any part like before applying, during interview and etc. Thank you so much dear people and admin! I hope you can help me!

    1. Hi there, thank you for dropping by my blog. 🌹 so here the answers.

      1) Me too, have only average co curricular and leadership qualities, but I dont think that will be a problem as long as you were active back then in school.

      2)They did, but only during the iv. They will refer to your resume/cv just to make sure your contributions to school tally with what you have written in your cv/resume.

      3) Yes I did because they demanded it. During my time, we need to drop our supporting documents in a box before going to the iv room.

      4) That question wasn't being asked in essay but in the iv itself. 😊

      Fyi, I didn't get the scholarship. But here is two tips I thought worth sharing.

      Don't ever lie on your resume/cv cause everything you said will be referred back to your cv/resume.

      Second, this was my lecturer tips, dont just simply state your result or cgpa. Justify it. Tell the person who will read your resume/cv, what did you learn and what experience have you get throughout you learning time.

      I wish you goodluck dear boy/girl. If you ever get the scholarship, or any scholarships, do contact me. I will be super proud of you. 😊😊

  8. Hai, anyone knows roughly beginning or mid of june the result for interview will be out? Thanks.

    1. Hi, thank you for dropping by. If im not mistaken, its in mid June. but, you need to always check your email cause either you do get or you do not, they will notify you. 😊

  9. Can i know what the topic of essay for your interview year?

    1. How Business and corporates play a role in inclusive and sustainable development.

  10. may i know any requirement fron HLF after received the scholarship ? do you have to work with HLB or what

    1. As far as I know (i dont know if they already change some terms), the scholarship doesn't have any bond. Means you dont have to work with them. You're free to work for someone else after you graduate.

  11. Hi , usually when will they release the result?

    1. Hi, usually in mid june or july I can't remember well. But they will give you an email saying that you are successful or unsuccessful. So check your email frequently. :)

  12. can i know, did they ask for your offer letter after the interview? Around 2 weeks after interview?

    1. They didn't. Maybe because Im not selected asthe recipient so the didn't ask for my offer letter after the interview

  13. The developments proved to be successful enough, and the product gained instant popularity. The company intensified the research and came out with a highly reliable formula of liquid syntetik urine. The product is a three oz toxin-free urine made with 11 components and a deeply researched proportion to prevent it from being fake. The heat activator in the kit gives a perfect temperature to the sample, as is expected from natural pee. Since it is already in liquid form, you don’t have to prepare the sample beforehand, and without much hassle, you can comfortably clear the drug test. If you trust more technically sound options for clearing a urine test, then Urinator is a great option to choose. Based on temperature control technology, the kit ensures the most realistic temperature of the fake pee that you will have to submit as a sample. According to the company, it is one of the most important factors to prevent suspicions and pass the test seamlessly. The Urinator kit sets the perfect temperature of the pee for four hours. The kit contains a 100 ml dual-port bag with a liquid crystal thermometer, syntetik urine powder, and a syringe to fill the sample in the bag. We know we have done enough of pee, urine, etc., and you might be cringing right now. But, we do know how important it can be for you to come out innocent in a drug test. These options can help you big time in clearing it. Steel sensor for temperature sensing and digital temperature controller maintains a perfect temperature of the sample. A thermal insulating blanket keeps the temperature stable for four hours. Just to clarify, there is no sure-shot way to pass a drug test. However, the most suggested method is to consume a detoxing drinking to layer up the can and additional cannabinoids or simply try washing out your system and increasing water intake as much as possible to dilute. It is advised that weed is not consumed ahead of any drug test. It is essential that water intake is encouraged and natural diuretics are used to wash out the system. Hydration is necessary, and if possible, drink a sports drink or another drink that consists of electrolytes in large quantities. On your test day, check for the instructions to follow on the detoxing drinking box whichever is opted, and go for it. When it is a drug test, there is no single way to assure 100% result. So, instead of choosing one, go for mixed ones. Ahead of the test, start drinking as much water as possible.


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