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Pelukis Jalanan Review

Assalamualaikum... *smile*

"Ia kekal dongeng, jika kau tak mula berjalan"

First of all, I'm so sorry for the late post because i've got too many assignments to do. (And up until now I didn't manage to finish all of them yet). And yaaa enough membebel and lets go straight to our topic. 

I've read many books but I think this is the first time and of course first book where I read the review and penghargaan. Know what? The review and penghargaan are just as good as the whole story! 

I've been searching for this book about 6 months so can you guys imagine how excited I was the moment I found this book! Super duper excited. And this is actually the second time I read it.

The story is extraordinary. A young boy went to London to further study and sometimes have to fast to cut the cost. Experienced working on the shop to support the life expenses. Being betrayed by the group member and lots of pain he had felt. All in this story.

Even buku ni berdasarkan kisah benar, but the plot is amazing. Ada konflik, ada pengakhiran berjaya and the best part is ada lukisan lukisan lawa sangat sangat sangat. 

My fav part is "SABOTAJ". The moment I read it, I feel angry and hate Orange so much!  And yeah not all Israeli like him. (Orange is an Israeli) But still, I really hate him. Ok enough of the hate. 

Now we move to the best moment. The moment where a man bought the sketch of big ben building for his daughter. Yeay! To be honest, I smiled a lot when reading this. *happy face* maybe because I once dreamt to study abroad and to read something like this makes me think "what will I face if I got to study abroad." 

In conclusion, I really encourage all of you to read this book. It can inspire you Whenever you feel down or fail in examination. Don't worry. So I left you with some of the parts in the book. 

Fav part *love emoji*

Also fav part

I really get inspired by this. 

Till then. Goodbye. May Allah bless. 


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