Assalamualaikum. *lambai tangan*
It had been months since I wrote about my classmates. Tapi haritu lelaki je and I did promise to write about the girls real quick after I posted that one, but didn't manage to write it up until today.Tak sebenarnya aku jeyang malas gila nak tulis sebab selalu je ada idea liain nak tulis. Okay enuf making up reasons so there it goes the details about my gegegurl friends.
It had been months since I wrote about my classmates. Tapi haritu lelaki je and I did promise to write about the girls real quick after I posted that one, but didn't manage to write it up until today.
all of the squad. semua negeri ada kecuali aku dari overseas. kbye
I'll start from penolong kelas merangkap ahli hipster negeri Kedah. lol
so drama duk tepi tingkap bagai. HAHAHAHAHA
For me, Balqis is an easygoing person. Tak, semua easygoing sebenarnya. lol. Dia ni ada mix Chinese sebab her father is Chinese. Bukan cam Coco eh ada banyak mix. Dia ada satu je. And she can talk and read in Chinese!!!! Okay Im amazed. Yelah kan ayah Chinese takkan nak cakap Kelantan pulak kan. But when asked
"Ko cakap dengan ayah ko Bahasa Cina aaa kan."
And she replied in loghat Kedah yang teramat pekat
"Dak eh cakap Kedahlah." I can just laugh.
Lagi, emm Balqis ni baguih orangnya, kalau tak paham tu muka kerut habih nak bagi paham jugak. Pastu cepat ja tanya orang kalau dia tak paham.

gambar ni before dia pi solat pastu tukaq style tudung.
This girl is really hardworking, seriously. Sejak masuk sem 1, dia dah ada goals nak jadi doctor while others tengah duk main ojus lagi nak tentukan masa depan. Even me, keep changing my ambition daily. Dan I can prove to you that she really really really struggle to get into Medicine Course. Dia ni budak Perak. So loghat takyah katalah memang pekat likat semua. Dia ni pandai gila berlakon so I hope one day ada director or producer terbaca blog ni and notice this. HAHA Kasilah watak apapun, dia boleh je buat. (I envy her so much).
Dia ni rapat gila gila gila kuasa 26 dengan
yg paling depan dalam gambar
Kenapa boleh rapat, sebab they share the same goals. Even lain negeri bcoz Ecah ni orang Ganu. Sek Mat Dang ni. But they are too close macam belangkas. Ibarat di mana ada Jia, di situ ada Ecah. And vice versa. Remember Irfan and Mizan? They are way closer compared to that two boys. Okay for me Ecah ni pandai gila. Setiap kali kuliah, yg tak belajar lagi pun dia dah buat latihan. Haa, advance tak advance? And I would say that she's really good in editing video. Bcoz dia pernah tolong edit video adik dia untuk application pergi Antartic. And you know what, after raya last year, adik dia manage to go there! Yeay. And now dia tengah buat proposal untuk pergi Artic. Pray for her please.
and next is these tiga serangkai, because they share the same house, the same kuliah and the same class.
ngantuk tu yg tido jap tu. kk gurau je lol
The first thing that crossed my mind when thinking bout her is her proficiency in English. Okay I have to admit that I am amazed with her fluency. And she was so cool when speaking like there's nothing to be nervous. Weh seriously I envy this girl. She's quick in making plan or making the plan become real. And yes, she's good in convincing people too. Hahahaha. Dia ni peminat tegar anime dan kdrama semestinya. So semestinya dia faham both Bahasa Jepun and Korea. Even me yang tengok Kdrama jugak ni pun cannot understand well. In fact, I just know very few words. Not even ten words I think. Last, dia lukis anime lawa gila. Okay sapa berminat nak suruh dia lukiskan boleh dm nanti.
that innocent smile
Okay Jiha ni schoolmate Syiqin. And coincidentally be in the same class with Syiqin. Jodoh panjang. Hahahaha Jiha ni kelakar gila. Bila duduk dengan dia memang tak sah lah kalau tak gelak. Generally, my classmates semuanya kelakar kelakar and mudah terhibur but this girl paling kelakar lah kut I think. Im used to be in the same group with her and yaa memang funny habis lah this girl. because dia ni gadis Jolobu ( eh tak gadis nismilan sebenarnya). And one of my groupmate is a Kelantanese and he did not even change the loghat when speaking. And Jiha was like so blur when that boy called plastic as supik. Kalau you all semua ada kat situ memang akan gelak gila gila sampai terguling. Nasib baik waktu tu boleh behave lagi. hahahahaha. Dia ni muka flawless gila I dont lie. Ni bukan flawless sebab make up tapi memang natural flawless. And Jiha is the kindest person I've ever met because she sponsored our jamuan makan last year! Thank you so much!
that smile tho
Ni orang Perlis ni. Orang paling jauh. hahahhaha Literally has the same name with me and sometimes I got confused wether they called me or her. Ustaz Shukri selalu buat centu hmm. Nervous I takut kena jawab soalan Arab kat depan. Okay back to this girl, dia ni lawa. You guys pun akan kata dia lawa even Im not stated it here. And also, dia ni selalu jadi driver kitorang bila nak gi memana. hahahha The most important thing is.... SHE IS NOT 19 YET! DIA LAHIR TAHUN 1999. Tapi she's way taller than me and matured than me. emm.. Su ni boleh jadi partner in crime. hahahahaha Dan boleh jadi penyiasat tak berbayar. lol
and next we will meet
that one yg pakai purdah tu
Actually I have lots of her pics but since the pics were taken in uni which purdah is prohibited and I am too lazy to cover her face so just look at this picture. Sabrina ni my labmate and kuliahmate most of the times she sat beside me. hahahahaha. Okay dia ni pun ada mix jugak. Dia ada mix Arab. Mata dia lawa seriously. Sab ni pun antara manusia yg rajin jugak ni sebab semua exercise dengan tutor semua dia siap. Fuhh. And also she's really good in taking picture. *thumbs up* Most of my pics were taken by her. And yes, she's pretty since you guys cannot see her face. Last year, dia bawakkan my bag yng berat gila namatey tu because I was sick at that time and was staying in surau where my bag was in dewan kuliah. That will never be erased from my mind, insyaAllah. Thank you so much.
dua dari kanan.
Another Ganu Kita lady. hahahhaa Piqah ni seriously stalker berjaya. hahahha Dia akan dapat tahu apa yg dia curious. Tulah kelebihan seketul Syafiqah. hahaha kk gurau. Piqah ni terror gilaa Arab since dia pernah sekolah pondok sekejap after SPM. and also terror gila Bhasa Jepun dgn Korea. But I think she's more to Korea. Inilah my sumber kamus Arab and kamus Korea. Cewah, hahahahaha Dia ni buat trigonometry tutup mata pun boleh. Proving yang susah amat tu dia buat 5 minit je. also, I envy her. Me buat math biasa pun terkial lagi nak buat trigonometry.
and another Sumber Kamus Arab for me is
the girl next to asyiqin.
the only one person who sits on the chair. (is it consider as chair?)
Afifah ni pun terror Arab jugak. Produk Imtiyaz ni hmm. And dia ni Hafizah. Haaa, deep tak? Aku deep terokz ni. Afifah ni nampak je camni, tapi she's also one of the kdrama fans! (yeay we're in the same league) And she also knows how to write in Hangul (Korea) and nak faham satu satu perkataan tu memang tak susahlah kan since tulis pun boleh. Haaaaa. Ini je kut since Fifah ni ala ala pemalu sikit orangnya. Eh tak, bukan sikit, banyak.
next is
right next to me....
Okay this is the only person that I could riak sikit since I little bit taller that her. *emoji pari pari* Because most all of our classmate semua tinggi tinggi. Makan apelah kekecik dulu en. Dia ni, my sumber cerita Korea. hahahha Tiap tiap kali ada cerita baru je mesti dia dah ada. So fast! And she used to be my schoolmate for a week before pindah SUPERB ( or as known as SMAP Bentong). Kenkadang I was so frust with her sebab rumah kat KL pastu sekolah kat Pahang. Jauh gila! Tu okay lagi, dia pernah cakap yg dia pernah sekolah kat Penang, tapi rumah kat Pahang. Eyy geramnya sekolah jauh jauh ni. ahahahah terover react pulek. tetibe. She's cute. You have to know it.
And last but not least,
that specky girl
The tallest girl among all the girls. *respect* She's so tall until sometimes I told her
"Taknaklah aku pandang kau. kena dongak sakit kepala."
Okay silakan gelak kalau nak. Dia ni memang bijok tahap tak ingatlah dalam Biologi.And ni sejenis manusia yang tak pernah takde phone dan earphone pada dia. But, surprisingly, dia bukan main phone for no reasons like me. dia tengok fakta sains, Khan Academy and so on. Ni memang betul tahap cemburu ni tinggi melangit. Sebab tu dia perform. haaaa. Jadi adik adik, contohilah Kak Zati anda. Manfaatkanlah phone anda. #pesananpenaja. Dia ni pun sama muka flawles gila ya ampun. Kalau nak #tipssihat, nanti boleh dm okay. Sebab dia ni memang cukup jaga pemakanan.
For now ini je dulu kut. Rasa nak tulis pepanjang tapi nanti dia akan ter exxagerate dan taknak berhenti. huhu....
till then,
goodbye peeps.
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