Assalamualaikum. Hye. :)
So today I nak share my experience, (experience ke?) about this matter.
First of all, let us learn what is gegendang bocor. Its not deaf. okay? The person who suffers for " gegendang bocor" isnt deaf. Cuma having some hearing problem je.
Let's start getting to know bout our eardrum.
Here is the picture of our entire ear. So kalau you all tengok yg macam bentuk oval tu, gegendang lah tu. dia ada kat tengah tengah between the outer part and the inner part of our ear. ( senang cerita tengok label jelah)
So today I nak share my experience, (experience ke?) about this matter.
First of all, let us learn what is gegendang bocor. Its not deaf. okay? The person who suffers for " gegendang bocor" isnt deaf. Cuma having some hearing problem je.
Let's start getting to know bout our eardrum.
Here is the picture of our entire ear. So kalau you all tengok yg macam bentuk oval tu, gegendang lah tu. dia ada kat tengah tengah between the outer part and the inner part of our ear. ( senang cerita tengok label jelah)
Eardrum ni penting untuk transmit bunyi yg kita dengar kepada otak untuk otak process bunyi apa tu. So bila eardrum korang bermasalah, efficiency dia untuk transmit bunyi ke otak tu berkurang sikit or in simpler words, penghidap penghidap masalah ni ( I dont think its a penyakit since it not too serious or can cause death) akan kurang dengr apa yg orang lain cakap.
End of the introduction. So now I want to share story bout my experience.
ive been thru this for about 5 years. Its quite long but alhamdulillh it is not a very serious penyakit or masalah.
I start perasan tentang all this matter waktu akhir form one. Bersamaan tahun 2011. For me, I rasa puncanya adalah I sendiri. Why? Because, ada sehari tu I mandi. Biasalah rumah kampung so mandi guna gayung. And suddenly, my hand macam slippery sikit and I end up simbah my telinga kanan. Can you imagine gayung yg penuh dgn air tu I simbah masuk dalam telinga? Iknow its so sadis but I cant help it!
After few days, I terbangun tengah malam, sebab rasa macam ada air keluar ikut telinga belah kanan. Mengagau jugaklah caari tisu bcoz you takkan boleh tidur sebab sentiasa rasa telinga you basah. So malam tu I end up tidur dengan teling tu berlapik tisu.
Esoknya, things getting worst. I keep cover my right ear with tissues. satu kotak tu boleh habis tau. And I ni jenis degil. Taknak pergi check. And yes, I memang rasa susah gila waktu tu bcoz I pakai tudung so susahlah nak letak tisu tu kat dalam anak tudung. Few days later, I pergi klinik sebab dah tak tahan. And the doctor said to me that " gegendang telinga awak ni bocor ni." And I was like, " really? okay."
I memang take for granted je benda tu. But soon after I realized,
- I cannot swim or selamkan kepala dalam air bcoz nanti my ear akan jadi basah like banyak sangat air dalam tu.
- I TAK BOLEH DENGAR CAM BIASA!!!! As example lah kan, if I ada kat pasar and org tengah cakap dengan I, seriously I tak boleh dengar apa dia cakap. I tengok gerak mulut and YOU KNOW KAN BETAPA SUSAHNYA NAK BACA GERAK MULUT ORANG!
- I berhijab so memang bila your ear rasa basah tu tandanya bukan sesuatu yg baik.
- My ear always bernanah and sometimes ada darah keluar sekali. When I was in form 3, I'm always ulang alik pergi toilet bcoz nak basuh nanah tu.
- And up until now, telinga kadang kadang rasa sakit, Tapi taktau sakit tu kat mana.
Tu antara tanda tandanya lah. You all mesti tertanya kan
"how you manage your life with that?"
" Tak consume ubat ke?"
"Alahai kesiannya kenapa tak gi jumpa doktor pakar?"
Takdelah tipu je. I know yg you tanya is
"Bila dia nak habis merepek ni?"
Blergh, I still want to continue writing! I consume ubat. Selalu jugaklah pergi checkup dulu. Just to know perkembangan telinga I. But seriously, memang takkan larat makan ubat dia sampai habis. Antibiotik je dah sebesar dinasour, so bayanglah yg lain cemana. So I stop going to hospital bcoz I taknak consume ubat. Besides, ubat ni banyak chemical. (p/s : jangan tiru perangai gila penulis ni. Kalau you all sakit, pergi je hospital pastu makan ubat.)
So now I dah tak pergi checkup. Last checkup waktu awal awal masuk uni dulu. And the doctor said that dia punya bocor tu dah 20 percent. Kalau dia makin bocor up until 90 - 95 percent, so you'll have to undergo surgery. *dead*
To make it shorter, I just nak wakilkan everyone yg ada masalah macam I ni, untuk bagitau mereka yg telinganya masih elok tentang beberapa perkara.
- We're so sorry that you have to ulang balik apa yg you all cakap dekat kitorang bcoz seriously, we cannot hear you if your surrounding is noisy. e.g: dekat toilet
- Dont treat us macam orang pekak. We're not deaf! Just talk like usual but if you're at a noisy place, do talk loudly. But not too loud until everyone knows what're you talking about.
- Jaga you all punya telinga because I can't korek telinga dah. Doctor suggest takpayah because you dont have tahi telinga. But you do have nanah in your ear. Jangan korek dalam dalam risau nanti your eardrum bocor lagi banyak.
- Keep your ears well because these are ALLAH's gift. So use it properly.
- I know how penat to ulang something tu twice or sometimes three times and even sometimes more that three times. But janganlah slow slow je kata kami macam macam. As I said before, we have hearing problem, but we're not deaf yet! (Eh sorry. teremotional pulak).
And last, to all people who face the same problem with me, be grateful. Because Allah wants to reduce your sins. He doesn't want you to hear gossips, to hear lagha songs.
Last but not least, love your ears, because without ears, we cannot hear our our parents words. And the most important, without ears, we cannot hear the beautiful words of Al - Quran and Adhan.
Thats all. Thank you.
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