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Assalamualaikum and hye to everyone. *lambai tangan*

First of all , I want to apologize cause I take such a long time to put the new entry. Bianhe. And yeah, I'm not very good in english so if  by any chance I make mistakes, do correct me. I'm not going to continue to write bout my classmates since our second sem has started and we've lost some of our classmates. *kesat air mata*  I'm gonna talk about it later. InsyaAllah in the next entry.

Okay now back to our topic. Actually semalam I've got a DM (read: direct message) from my friend as I really don't have any idea to write a new entry.  and She asked me.

"Beb, can you please write about how to gain self confidence untuk present dalam kelas?"  So here we go!

As you enter university, don't be shocked cause there are too many assignments and presentations. And of course, semuanya kena present dalam bahasa inggeris. Tapi kadang kadang ada je present dalam bahasa melayu.  And also, kalau macam I, sebab I study dekat University Sains Islam so we also have to present in Arabic as well. Thats the end of muqaddimah. (fuhh, muqaddimah pun dah separuh muka. ) 


I still remember that my teacher once said " anggap semua orang macam ayam and you're the only human there."  At first I laughed so hard lah of course. mana boleh nak anggap dorang macam tu bcos they have exactly the same features as us. But, to think of it thoroughly, I think ada betulnya juga cakap my teacher tu. Bcos that will eventually makes you look at their face rather than tunduk and sorok muka. Trust me, don't hide your face when you speak. That will make you lebih gugup actually. Because if you look at you audience face, so you know what are they do. Tapi kalau you tunduk je so you tak nampak apa yg dorang buat. So the negative thoughts senang nak influence korang.


NEGATIVE THOUGHT! Yes menda ni akan jadi lebih obvious bila turn presentation kita dah dekat. Waktu tu adrenaline rush memang tahap maximum. And we started to feel uncomfortable. yang lelaki be like

" Ok ke baju aku ni?"
"Tie kemas tak?"
"Tuck in baju ok tak?"
"Nak cakap kuat kuat ke relax je?"
"Malu beb kalau tak dapat speaking. Jatuh saham"

and girl be like

"Tudung kemas tak?"
"Baju ada yang tak kena?"
"Ish takutlah kalau gugp kat depan"
"Ada crush ni matilah kalau aku silap cakap." oopps

dahlah tu. yedok? That is why, it is very VERY VERY important to think positive. Get rid all the negative thoughts yg berlegar dekat kepala tu. Kalau tak yakin tentang appearance, pergi tengok cermin. InsyaAllah everything will be okay. And if you are really gugup to present in english, practice dulu sebelum tu. InsyaAllah positive thoughts tu akan menderu deru masuk ke kepala.

ok next is......


I think this is the hardest way among all kut. Bcoz I sendiri pun tak selalu practice. But it worth a try. Kata nak master english tapi kalau you all tak start dengan daily conv ( shortform for conversation) , you'll never improve your english. Korang mesti ramai yg minat Kdrama , anime and so on right? So I bet most of you know how to write or even speak in their language. The same goes to english. If you tak practise, so memang takkan dapat. So at least, dalam sehari tu you speaking english.

Mesti ada yang akan kata

"malulah nanti kawan ejek kalau salah."
"Nanti kawan cakap berlagak lah speaking bagai. Dah melayu tu cakap bahasa melayu jelah."

Jangan peduli dengan kata kata org. Yang nak berjaya, you. So why you have to bother about others? Just go on. And pada manusia yg rasa mereka yg speaking itu berlagak, here's the perbezaan between berlagak speaking and normal speaking.

BERLAGAK is when dia speaking kuat kuat saja nak kasi kau tahu dia reti cakap english.
NORMAL is when dia cakap biasa biasa je tanpa intention untuk kasi org lain tahu yg dia ni reti cakap english.

Clear? Good. *laap peluh*
So ajak kawan untuk speaking. So kita boleh sama sama imporove.

Last but no least.....


Actually I don't really recommended you to use this way bcoz you know, english movies got scenes yg tak appropriate for us to watch. And for the vlog, I think it is okay for you to watch it. Listen how they pronounce particular words.

As for the vlog, I strongly suggested you to watch #DailyEzz by Ezzat Eddy.
Ape? tak kenal Ezzat Eddy? 

go find his instagram : ezzateddy

ok back to the topic. I love the way he speak. his english is not too hard to understand. So as a beginner, go listen to his vlog. From this way, you can eventually improve your english. But with one condition. Make sure you find  the meaning of the words that you do not  understand.   

Fuhh... Finally!!!

These are just some ways. There are many other ways to learn english as long as we are keen to learn it.

So I wish you all the best for your upcoming presentations, MUET examination, speaking tests or competitions.

Have a good day and remeber, if something bad happened to us, its not a bad life but just a bad day. *smiley*


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